Uuteen nousuun!
Eli ei muuta kuin tervetuloa uudet katsojat, elämä (kutsutaan myös blogiksi) jatkuu suomeksi!
Niin kuin kirjoitin edellisessä postissa, tilanne on vain kerta kaikkiaan se, etten tule kirjoittaneeksi samoista asioista englanniksi kuin suomeksi. Tiedä sitten mistä se johtuu. Toinen tärkeä pointti on se, että äidinkielellään sitä kuitenkin ilmaisee itseään aidosti, vieraalla kielellä täytyy aina hiukan kikkailla, ei asioita osaa aina sanoa aivan niin kuin tarkoittaa. Ja onhan tämä turvallisempaakin näin, ei tule sanottua typeriä asioita ainakaan tahattomasti. ;)
Osoittakoon tämä kielen vaihtuminen elämän eteenpäin menemistä myös muuten. Olen nimittäin tänään viimeistä päivää nykyisessä työtehtävässäni, huomenna aamulla kävelen uudelle työpisteelle ja aloitan ihan oikeat työt! Ei niin etteikö tämä nykyinen olisi ollut oikeaa työtä, mutta lopputyö on aina lopputyö, osaltaan harjoittelua. Huomenna alkaa kuitenkin ihka ensimmäinen vakkarityö, ja vielä koulutusta vastaava sellainen. Not bad, aye?
Changing language
Yep, I decided to change language. Apologies to all my international friends, but I just realized that my blog is extremely boring and doesn't even really mirror my personality.
You know what, it's funny, but I don't want to write about same things in English that I would in Finnish. So, I give my Finnish friends more reasons to follow this blog, unfortunately at the cost of expelling my foreign friends. Well, that's life. Or as we tend to say nowadays in Finland, elämä on".
Vienna state opera's ladies' room
So, I’m back in Finland. Vienna was a really beautiful place. We went to see Sisi museum and the surroundings of Vienna. The museum was quite impressive I must say. Especially the Imperial Silver Collection was incredible. One could almost imagine how it was to have a fancy dinner then, centuries ago. Nice.
We went also to opera (Vienna state opera) to see Puccini’s Tosca. The opera was of course really fine, but it was the ladies' room that really amazed me. When I went there during the break, there was a cleaning lady working. First I was a bit irritated because she was cleaning there just when people came in (bad timing!), but then I realized that she cleaned the toilets after every user! For real, she went in before me, cleaned the toilet, pulled the paper a bit outwards from the automat and held the door open for me. (“Bitte Schön”) What a service. Wonder if that could work in Finland?
My journey back to Finland didn’t go exactly how I planned. When I came to Copenhagen, I was told that my next flight was cancelled… (That’s my luck!) So, I got to wait for 3,5 hours before the next one. What is positive is that I came home with Finnair that serves food and beverages on the plane (SAS don’t) and also I flew straight to Helsinki and not via Stockholm as it was planned. Oh well, home sweet home.
New hair
I've new hair! Finally I managed to get a new hairstyle. I've become pretty lazy with my hair lately, and again it had grown out of model and was quite, hmm, ugly.
I’ve been many times a hair model, also this time. That's really a great way to cut hair. First of all, it's really cheap. Normally, you pay about 30-40 euros for a haircut (excluding dyeing) and 70-120 euros if you want to have a new color, too. And I think that's quite a lot money... As hair model you get the whole package for free and they even give you some good quality, expensive products as a thankyou. Secondly, you usually get a really cool and stylish new model to your hair. Something that you maybe wouldn't choose yourself. At least I tend to be extremely conservative when it comes to hairstyle that I have to choose myself.
I’ve never got anything really bad (although I’ve seen some quite ugly ones…) and also this time I’m really satisfied with the end result. As expected, it’s a hairstyle I would never ask for at a hairdresser, but it’s really cool. :)
The wedding, part 2
So, my friend had her wedding on Saturday. It was really successful event, people seemed to have fun, at least I had! :) And, of course, the bride was beautiful as flower. :)
Some guest had really devoted themselves to the theme (1920s) and the place crowned the whole thing. The wedding feast was in a former casino and it was just perfect place to have 1920s theme. (Or maybe they first had the place and then thought of the theme...)
I'll put some pictures here later when I have uploaded them to my computer. You may then decide yourself whether my dress was successful or not. ;)
My dear friend has wedding tomorrow. I really hope I feel healthier then… It’s going to be fun! They have 1920s theme and I found a new dress that is a bit 20s style. I still have to buy some accessories, long pearl necklace etc. Hair is however a problem. In 1920s short “polka hairstyle” was really popular, and my hair is too long. I have to figure out something to hide my hair… Maybe I’ll just put lots of curls and then fasten spare hair with hairpins. Here’s some ideas I’ll try to follow. Let's see what I manage to do!
Cold - and nothing to do with weather
Usch, it's time for the traditional winter "entertainment" - cold. My head feels really heavy and nose stuffy, and still I have to work…That’s maybe the biggest difference between working life and student life, you can’t stay home in the bed when ever you like. This morning I really felt like burying myself under blanket, drinking hot juice and reading something cheerful. But no, I had to come to work.
That is actually something I’m definitely going to begrudge when I graduate – the possibility to decide myself when I can have a day off. And the possibility to sleep longer if I just feel like it... Sigh. Oh well, on the other hand it’s really nice to go home after work knowing that I don’t have to do anything. To know that I can do what ever I want without having bad conscience or stress over upcoming school deadlines.
I suppose everything has good and bad sides and one has to just enjoy the good sides and forget the bad sides. :) I’ll have to practise.
Trip to Lapland
A short pause with writing... I was in Lapland, Levi. We spent three really nice days enjoying the marvelous nature of Northern Finland and various activities.
One of the best experiences during the trip was a husky ride! It was so great. We visited a husky farm with almost 200 dogs. I have never seen such energetic and eager animals. They were just flitting around in tether, waiting for the moment to be allowed to start running and pulling the sledge. I have to say that I never expected it to be so much fun! We did a 3 km ride and only one of us managed to fall with his sledge. The dogs didn't mind, they just continued running although the rider fell. ;)
We were also on a snowmobile safari. That was fun, too. When we came to the office, they made us blow to alcometer to ensure nobody was drunk. Well, we had been partying quite heavily the night before… Two of us didn’t make it. ;) I made it, so I got my own snowmobile. I was quite scared in the beginning; it didn't really feel stable and safe at all. Guys behind me became quite frustrated when they couldn't drive that fast, so we changed the order in the middle and I drove last in the line. ;) But, in the end, also I was encouraged to drive faster and it really was a lot of fun.
And, of course when we were in Lapland, we went to do some downhill skiing (I had my snowboard), but that wasn’t really anything special.